A single-page, note-taking application using React/Redux and Ruby/Rails.
Matt is a full-stack web developer interested in building powerful applications for interesting companies. After five years as a copy editor, he set out to learn more than English grammar and punctuation. Programming was the happy medium: new languages to master and the ability to build powerful tools for interesting people.
Bridging the gap, his first real dive into full-stack web development was an online note-taking app, Eureka!Note. The primary focus of the application was a fluid and fun note-taking experience. It was also a great way to learn React/Redux with a Rails backend.
Still a word-nerd at heart, when he isn't coding, he's reading book one of ten from some sci-fi/fantasy series or enjoying his other favorite passtime: video games. Coding was also a great way for him to get involved in game design, in which he's always been interested. As an homage of sorts to an enjoyable life filled with gaming, his browser game, Barrage, is themed after his first hand-held gaming system, the gameboy color.